Light of Christ Religious Emblem


  • Registered Tiger or Wolf Cub Scout of Catholic Faith.
  • The Scout must complete the requirements before starting third grade.
  • The purpose is to help the Cub develop a personal relationship with Jesus. With the parents' active assistance and participation in this program, it is hoped that the Cub will come to see Jesus as a real person and his friend.
Program Objectives
  • To support the role of the parents as the primary catechists of their children.
  • To have the Scout identify Jesus as a real person and as his friend.
  • To foster early family religious involvement.
  • To be a stepping stone toward Parvuli Dei and the other religious emblems, when the parents are involved.
  • To serve as a catalyst to draw the parents into a deeper involvement with the church, through the child.
  • Each Cub have his own Activity Book.
  • The book is designed for the Cub and his parent or guardian to work together.
Program Completion
  • When the Cub completes all steps, he is presents the book to his parish priest or the priest's representative and the book is reviewed with the Cub.
  • After the priest or representative signs the book, it is sent to the diocesan chaplain for final approval.
  • The emblem and knot may be presented at a diocesan or parish ceremony.
Scout's Role
  • Actively work on the activities with his parents or guardians.
  • Keep the Religious Emblems Counselor informed of his progress.
Parent's Role
  • Actively work on the activities with their son. He may need your help with Bible readings and getting information.
  • Keep the Religious Emblems Counselor informed of the Cub's progress.
Suggested Time Requirements
  • One to ninety day(s).
  • Although the book could be completed in four to six hours, the goal of earning a religious emblem is to help the Cub develop a personal relationship with Jesus, so it is suggested that steps be spread over several weeks. This will help the Cub understand that this is a long-term commitment, not a one-time project.
  • Step 1 - Families
  • Step 2 - God's Call
  • Step 3 - Eucharist
  • Step 4 - Forgiveness
  • Step 5 - Family of God


It is necessary that each participating Cub Scout has an individual Light of Christ record book (Publication No. 33074). In addition there is a new NCCS " Religious Emblems, Reference Manual" (Publication No. 16-443) intended for those who carry out the religious emblems programs in their diocese. Obtain these manuals at the Mohegan Council Store.

Page updated 7/5/05.

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